"Shipping 1 to 3 days" typically means that the item you ordered will be shipped within that time frame. It's possible that the item will be shipped within 1 day, or it could take up to 3 days to be shipped. Once the item has been shipped, the delivery time will depend on the shipping method you selected and the distance between the shipping location and your delivery address. If you need more specific information about the shipping and delivery times for your particular order, you should contact the company or seller that you purchased from.

"Items arrived within 3 to 14 days," it typically means that the estimated delivery time for the item ranges from 3 to 14 days from the date of shipment. The actual delivery time may vary depending on factors such as the shipping method selected, the distance between the shipping location and the delivery address, and any potential delays due to external factors such as weather conditions or customs clearance. It's important to note that this estimated delivery time does not include any handling time that the seller or company may require to process and prepare the order for shipment. If you need more specific information about the delivery time for your particular order, feel free to contact us.